Nutritional Advice

Gym-goers Guide to Protein

Nutrition is important to health and development, with a healthy, balanced diet decreasing risk of non-communicable diseases (long term conditions with long term health management, such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease), and ensuring that systems such as your immune system is working at its optimum (WHO, 2023).   For anyone who does exercise, nutrition is also…

Should I be taking vitamin D?

I thought with the clocks going back in the UK, it would be a good idea to talk about the importance of taking vitamin D during the winter. Direct sunlight is the main source of Ultraviolet B (UVB) light. UVB light is the radiation that causes tanning, skin cancer, and initiates a reaction in the…

Can you boost your immune system?

I was going to write about my present woes of being confined to my bed, due to a cold that’s knocked me sideways. However, I remembered that I have written a post before about how to quickly recover from a cold. When reading over the post, I could see the validity in what I was…

Is Calorie Counting the right way to lose weight?

In the simplest of terms, weight loss occurs when energy expenditure is greater than energy intake. When someone is aiming to maintain weight, the energy consumed must equal energy used in activity; and when someone is trying to gain weight the intake must be greater than movement.  As I said, this is simply put, and…


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